How to Find and Connect with Friends on VSCO in 2024

VSCO, which stands for Visual Supply Company, is more than just a photo editing app. With over 200 million downloads, VSCO has become a popular social media platform for sharing photos and connecting with others who appreciate photography and creativity. If you use VSCO and want to find friends, family members, or new accounts to follow, there are several ways to search for and connect with people on VSCO.

Searching for Someone You Know

If you already know the VSCO username of someone you want to find, the easiest way is to directly search for their profile.

Using the Search Bar

VSCO has a search bar at the top of the app and website homepage. Simply type in the exact VSCO username and press enter or click the search icon. This will pull up the user’s profile if they have a VSCO account under that name.

For example, searching for “@marysmith” would display Mary Smith’s VSCO profile if she was registered under that username. You can then view photos, follow her account, or message her if you want to connect.

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Trying Name Variations

If you don’t find the person after searching their usual social media handle or name, play around with variations like:

  • Full first and last name – “Mary Smith”
  • First name with last initial – “Mary S”
  • First initial with last name – “M Smith”
  • Nicknames – “marysmithphots”

The person may have customized their VSCO username, so you may need to get creative when searching in order to locate their profile.

Using the Invite Links Feature

Another great way to find people you know is by importing your phone contacts with VSCO’s invite feature.

Here’s how it works on iOS and Android:

  1. Tap the profile icon to access your VSCO profile page
  2. Select “Invite Friends”
  3. Choose “Import Contacts” and pick which contacts to import from your phone
  4. VSCO will automatically search for any imported contacts already using VSCO under the same name or phone number
  5. You’ll see a list of these connections and can then follow them or message them within the app

The invite feature compares the phone numbers, email addresses, and names from your existing contacts against current VSCO members. When there’s a match, it makes it easy to find and reconnect on VSCO, even if you didn’t already know they had an account.

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Searching for Someone Through Posts You’re Tagged In

If a VSCO friend has tagged you in any of their posts, you can leverage these tags to find their profile.

Open your profile, tap the photo grid icon to see Posts You’re Tagged In, and then:

  • Tap any photo you’re tagged in
  • This opens the post on that user’s profile page
  • At the top, tap their profile picture and username
  • You’ll see a preview of their profile – From here you can follow them or send them a message

So if you want to find the person who tagged you, use the posts you’re tagged in as a bridge to getting to their profile and connecting.

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Finding Friends Through Likes and Comments

An additional trick for locating the profiles of people you know on VSCO is checking post likes and comments.

If someone you’re friends with in real life interacts with your posts on VSCO:

  • Tap the photo to view it
  • Swipe up to open the list of people who have liked the photo
  • Tap any username in the likes list to access their profile directly
  • You can also tap View Comments, tap on any commenter’s username, and get to their profile that way

It works the other way too – if you’ve liked or commented on a friend’s post without realizing it’s them, you can tap the notifications of that like or comment reply to be taken right to their profile.

Leveraging post engagements like likes and comments facilitates the search for connections.

Using Hashtags to Find People by Interests

Unlike some other social platforms, VSCO doesn’t have a dedicated “Discover People” section – but you can use hashtags to find users similar interests.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Tap the search icon on VSCO
  2. Search any hashtag term, like #portraitphotography or #digitalart
  3. Results will show latest posts using that hashtag
  4. Tap any post to view the user’s profile and choose to follow them if desired

The more niche the hashtag, the more targeted the users will be. So think about your particular hobbies, subjects, styles etc. and hashtag search around those to find active accounts to follow. Over time, VSCO will start suggesting similar profiles.

You can also watch hashtag search stories to see the latest posts. Tap and hold a hashtag from any caption, which brings up the option to watch that tag. Any new posts will show up in search stories for browsing potential profiles of interest.

Connecting Through the Activity Feed

VSCO has an activity feed that shows recent likes, comments, followers etc. This is another place to uncover people you may know.

To access it:

  • Tap the profile icon
  • Select Activity below your profile info

Scroll through the feed. Any notifications of being tagged, receiving likes/comments, gaining new followers etc will display the relevant profiles.

Tap any username that seems familiar to access their profile and opt to follow, message, or comment back. If you recognize people but aren’t yet connected, the activity feed provides an entry point.

Finding Friends of Friends

A core VSCO feature is the ability to see your connections. So beyond just searching for direct contacts, you can also tap into your extended network.

  • Navigate to any VSCO profile page
  • Scroll down and select Friends underneath their profile bio
  • This will display users that person follows on VSCO
  • Browse the list and tap any profiles that look familiar
  • You can then follow or message mutual friends

You can do this for followers and following lists too. Essentially leveraging your existing connections to propagate your own network and locate more familiar people.

Using Facebook to Find VSCO Friends

Since many people tend to have the same username across social platforms, you can employ Facebook to potentially find contacts.

  • Go to Facebook and search for the name/username of the person, just like on VSCO
  • If you locate their Facebook profile, tap to open it
  • Scroll down on their page and check any social media links
  • If there’s an icon and @ handle for VSCO, tap it to open their VSCO profile directly
  • Alternatively check their bio section for any mention of VSCO with their username included

If the person links their VSCO from Facebook, it creates a bridge to finding them even if your VSCO search came up empty. Facebook provides additional keyword and profile context for tracking down elusive connections.

Connecting Through Cross-Platform Apps

Certain third-party social media tools allow linking different platform accounts, including VSCO integration. These tools can then suggest contacts across the connected services.

For example:

  • Buffer – Social media management platform that connects and analyzes profiles across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter etc including VSCO. You can follow suggestions to find existing contacts.
  • Planoly – Instagram planning app that lets you connect and manage VSCO alongside Instagram. View followers/following across both channels.
  • Later – Popular Instagram marketing platform that recently added VSCO integration. You can manage and analyze Instagram and VSCO under one dashboard.

Check your other social media management platforms if they’ve built out VSCO profile connectivity. This gives additional signals to uncover potential friends from adjacent communities.

Joining VSCO Challenges and Contests

VSCO facilitates photography contests and collaborative “challenges” between members around certain themes. Participating in these can connect you with fellow photographers.

For example, VSCO may sponsor a #landscapephotography challenge for the summer. Members enter by tagging VSCO, adding the official hashtag, and posting their best landscape images.

You can then tap into the hashtag, browses submissions, follow inspiring profiles, or comment your feedback on photos. To continue engaging, keep an eye out for trending VSCO contests or collective challenges.

Using Location Tags to Find Local Creators

In addition to hashtag searches, VSCO members can tag their profile with a location, such as their home city. You can leverage these geotags to find creators near your area.

  • Tap the search icon
  • Select Locations from the menu
  • Search for your city name or browse the map for nearby places
  • This displays profiles of members who have added that exact geotag location
  • Scroll through, tap individual profiles, and connect with interesting local photographers

The location tag search allows connecting by geography – identifying profiles near your city or region who may share similar creative environments and inspiration.

Connecting at Local Photography Events

Attend nearby events related to mobile photography, creative arts, etc. Look for relevant meetings on sites like for your area. Often VSCO members congregate at these kinds of gatherings.

Once there, chat with fellow photographers and creatives. Ask if they use VSCO and exchange profile information. Following each other strengthens bonds within local artist communities.

You can also organize your own photo walks or workshops with other VSCOers. Coordinate at iconic neighborhood spots or artistic locations and snap photos while networking.

Finding Friends Through Camera Rolls and Studio

VSCO has a section called Camera Roll – where you can publish multiple photos and manage an external portfolio.

The complementary VSCO Studio groups Camera Rolls into public galleries around certain visual themes.

You may find familiar faces in Camera Rolls. Or locate interesting profiles through Studio by:

  • Browsing for topical collections that pique your interest
  • Tapping into any published Camera Roll within chosen Studio galleries
  • Viewing the profile pic and bio of the creator
  • Following them if desired

Studio groups relate Camera Rolls from thousands of users in one place. So poke around both sections to uncover potential friends showcasing photographic styles you admire.

Pinpointing Connections Through Paid Subscriptions

VSCO has a paid Member tier providing extra filters and editing tools. The Membership section shows all current Subscribers.

Go to and tap See All under “Join the Community”. This displays public-facing profiles of all Members you can scroll through.

If any paid subscribers appear familiar, tap to visit their profile and connect. The member list compiles 10+ million creators so comb through if seeking niche producers or photography mentors willing to invest in VSCO capabilities.

Leveraging Suggested or Recommended Profiles

As you engage with content, VSCO gets smarter about recommending accounts with complementary styles. The more active you are, the more profile suggestions appear:

  • While posting photos – Add relevant hashtags and VSCO provides “Profiles You May Like” underneath based on those tags
  • On main feed – Scroll down and access “Profiles Recommended For You”
  • On profile page – Under the Followers list is a “Suggested For You” section with proposed profiles
  • Through ads – VSCO sometimes inserts mid-feed ads highlighting on-theme creators

Tap any profile from suggestions. Evaluate if they seem familiar or aesthetically inspiring, and opt to follow promising finds.

VSCO dynamically recommends profiles – so consistently check for and assess proposed connections from the platform.

Making Friends Through VSCO Chats and Forums

Finally, expand your network by joining VSCO’s built-in chat and online community features.

  • Discussions – VSCO’s forum section around photography topics. Follow threads related to your interests and reply to individual members.
  • VSCO Chats – Real-time chat rooms dedicated to photography genres like Black & White, Night, Nature, etc. Join public conversations around creative areas that excite you.

Don’t just exclusively use handles and hashtags when searching. Dive into VSCO’s conversation channels to make organic connections around artistic passions and exchange profiles.

Following Up with VSCO Messages

Once you’ve found someone through any method above that you want to actively follow, don’t forget to directly connect via VSCO’s messaging feature.

  • After tracking down their profile, tap the icon with three dots in the top right
  • Choose Follow to start seeing their posts
  • Then select Message from the same menu
  • Introduce yourself, mention how you found them, ask to stay in touch on VSCO or collaborate!

Messaging strengthens ties with located profiles instead of just silently following in one direction. So proactively reach out to turn online connections into real VSCO friendships!


While VSCO doesn’t offer people search functionality per se, there are numerous creative approaches to find existing friends and discover new profiles to follow.

Use tools like search bars, contact imports, hashtag browsing, connections of connections, integration with external platforms, and smart recommendations.

The more active you are liking, commenting, posting, and engaging with the VSCO community – the more visibility you’ll gain to locate potential friends by interest or locations.

Combining methods gives the highest chance of tracking down that long-lost camera buddy or artistic soulmate account to follow for daily inspiration.

So grab your phone and start sleuthing! With ongoing digging through VSCO’s 200 million members, you’re bound to reconnect with forgotten friends and unearth amazing new profiles in line with your creative perspective.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I search for someone I know on VSCO?

You can use the search bar to type in their exact username, try variations of their name, or go to posts you are tagged in or posts you have liked/commented on to access the profile of people you may know.

Can I see my contacts or friends from other social networks on VSCO?

Yes, you can use the “Invite Friends” feature to import phone contacts and see if any contacts have VSCO. You can also check if someone links their VSCO profile on other social platforms like Facebook.

What are some ways to find people I don’t know yet based on interests?

Use hashtags related to your interests to find top posts and browse the profiles posting that content. You can also search by location to find creators near you or browse VSCO’s Camera Roll and Studio galleries to discover profiles by aesthetic style.

How do I connect with someone once I’ve found them?

You can follow their profile, like their photos, comment on posts, send them a direct message, or tag them in your own posts. Reaching out directly via messaging is the best way to strengthen ties.

Can I find friends of friends on VSCO?

Yes, VSCO allows you to see a user’s list of followers, friends, and who they follow. You can discover mutual connections that way and surface people you may know through your existing network.