Using WPS to Connect your eero Eero Mesh WiFi System

Connecting your eero Eero mesh WiFi system to your modem or gateway using WPS (WiFi Protected Setup) can be a quick and easy way to set up your network. WPS allows simplified connections between WiFi devices without having to enter passwords or set up accounts. Here is a comprehensive guide on using WPS to connect your eero Eero devices.

An Overview of eero Eero

eero Eero is a consumer mesh WiFi system designed to provide strong, reliable WiFi coverage throughout your home. The eero Eero mesh system consists of eero Eero router and extender devices that work together to blanket your home with WiFi.

Some key things to know about eero Eero:

  • Uses mesh WiFi technology to create a seamless network with extended coverage
  • Easy to set up and manage through the eero app
  • Automatically updates for new features and security
  • Packs powerful hardware for fast speeds
  • Supports modern connectivity standards like WiFi 5 and 6

With simple setup, robust connectivity, and sleek design, eero Eero is a popular mainstream mesh system for whole home WiFi.

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What is WiFi Protected Setup (WPS)?

WPS is a wireless connectivity standard that provides an easy way to connect WiFi devices without needing to enter passwords or set up accounts. It was created to simplify the process of adding devices to a WiFi network for home users.

Here are some key points about WPS:

  • Stands for WiFi Protected Setup
  • Introduced in 2007
  • Part of the WiFi Alliance interoperability standard
  • Uses push-button configuration (PBC) or pin-based setup
  • Should generally be disabled due to security vulnerabilities

While WPS does make connections easier, it has some known security weaknesses. However, when setting up a home mesh system like eero Eero, using WPS can still be reasonable if convenience is more important. Just be aware that it comes with some risks.

Why Use WPS for Connecting eero Eero?

While WPS does have security concerns, there are a few good reasons why using it to connect your eero Eero system can make sense:

1. It’s Extremely Simple

WPS connectivity takes device setup complexity out of the equation. Rather than needing to coordinate devices based on WiFi names, passwords, and accounts, you can just push a button. This makes installation faster.

2. Works for Initial Setup

The main security issues with WPS relate to allowing unauthorized access to your WiFi network. However, when first installing brand new equipment on a fresh network, this is generally not a concern.

3. Mesh Networks Have Unique Usage

Unlike traditional WiFi routers, mesh systems connect wirelessly between nodes to create a unified network. Using WPS allows seamless connections without dealing withWiFi credentials. This helps ensure proper mesh operation.

So while WPS should usually be avoided or disabled due to exploits, there are some valid reasons it can be acceptable for mesh networks, especially during initial setup. Just be sure to disable/reset it after the install is complete.

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How WPS Works with eero Eero Devices

The eero Eero mesh WiFi system supports WPS push-button connectivity between devices for easy installation. Here is how it works at a high level:

  1. Initiate WPS pairing mode on the eero Eero gateway device (the one plugged into your modem)
  2. Initiate WPS on the client eero Eero node you want to connect within range
  3. The two devices will handshake, exchange credentials, and establish connectivity
  4. Once paired, the client eero Eero will sync settings from the gateway to join the mesh network
  5. Repeat steps for additional eero Eero nodes to expand your mesh WiFi coverage

It’s important to have your gateway eero Eero (the one connected to the modem) powered on and broadcasting first. After that you can easily daisy chain additional eero Eeros into the mesh using this WPS method.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Connect eero Eero with WPS

Here are the detailed steps to connect your eero Eero WiFi mesh system using WPS:

What You’ll Need

Before getting started, make sure you have all your eero Eero hardware and these prerequisites:

  • eero Eero gateway unit (1)
  • eero Eero extender units (1 or more)
  • Compatible modem/router (if connecting eero Eero to an existing network)
  • Power sources near desired eero Eero locations
  • Working upstream internet connection
  • The eero Eero app installed on your phone or tablet

Connect the eero Eero Gateway

To begin, you’ll need to connect your main eero Eero gateway device:

  1. Plug gateway eero into your modem – Using the included ethernet cable, connect your gateway eero Eero to an open LAN port on the modem or existing router that provides internet to your home.
  2. Connect power – Connect the power adapter to turn on the gateway Eero. Make sure the LED ring is glowing white to indicate proper operation.
  3. Open eero app – On your mobile device, open the eero app and follow the on-screen setup instructions. Make an account if necessary and allow the app to locate the gateway device.

At this point the app should find the gateway eero Eero and help you complete any additional software configuration required. Your core mesh device is now ready for connections.

Connect Additional eero Eero Nodes with WPS

After your gateway has been configured, you can easily add more eero Eero devices into the mesh network using WPS:

  1. Initiate WPS on gateway – In the eero app, go to Settings > Network Settings > WPS. Tap “Connect WPS Device” to enable WPS pairing mode on the gateway eero. The LED ring should turn blue.
  2. Power on secondary eero – Connect power to the additional eero Eero node you want to pair within wireless range of the gateway. The LED ring should pulse white when ready.
  3. Initiate WPS on second eero – Press and hold the small WPS button on the back of the secondary eero Eero for 5-8 seconds until the LED pulses blue. This enables WPS pairing mode.
  4. Wait for automatic connection – The two eero Eeros will now detect each other and handshake to establish a secure connection, joining the new node to the network. When finished, the LEDs will turn solid white.
  5. Repeat for additional nodes – Follow steps 2-4 to keep adding more eero Eeros into your mesh WiFi network. New nodes just need to be in range of any existing connected eero.

In just a minute or two per device, your entire mesh WiFi system can be connected using WPS. The eero app should show all devices joined into the network.

Complete Installation

Once all your eero Eero devices are communicating and updating firmware, walk around your home and check that each node has good WiFi coverage. You can use the app’s signal strength meter to verify there are no dead zones.

A final recommendation is to disable WPS on your network now that initial setup is complete:

  1. Go back into your eero app settings
  2. Under Network Settings, disable WPS
  3. Tap OK to confirm

Disabling WPS secures your WiFi network from vulnerabilities now that all mesh connections have been established. Your eero Eero mesh system should now be up and running!

Why Disable WPS After Setup

As introduced earlier, WPS does come with certain security risks due to the way it works. Here is some more background on why you should disable WPS functionality once eero Eero setup is complete:

  • WPS only uses PINs for authentication – The 8-digit PIN exchanged when two devices pair up is fairly easy for attackers to brute force guess. Successful guessing can allow access to the network.
  • Relies on physical proximity during installation – WPS assumes that pressing the WPS buttons requires physical access to the devices. So it skips other authentication that would detect unwanted remote connections. This assumption enables exploits.
  • Vulnerable to DoS attacks – Research has demonstrated that WPS implementations can suffer denial-of-service (DoS) attacks that lock devices into a state of continually trying to reconfigure. This can make your network unavailable.

While minimal security is reasonable during initial setup, it’s a good idea to remove WPS capabilities on your fully configured WiFi network. Since eero Eero system updates also re-enable WPS by default, you may need to check periodically that WPS remains disabled within your settings. This precaution helps keep your home WiFi network safe.

Tips for Connecting eero Eero Mesh Systems

Here are some additional useful tips when connecting eero Eero devices into a mesh network:

  • Position your gateway eero Eero unit centrally to provide optimal coverage as the base for your mesh.
  • Try arranging eero Eeros so all nodes are within line-of-sight for best wireless backhaul performance. Avoid placing nodes with too many obstructions in between.
  • Allow enough time after powering on an eero Eero for it to boot up and self-test before initiating WPS. Rushing can cause hiccups.
  • When using WPS push-button mode, press and hold the button for 5-8 seconds until the LED pulses blue. Quick clicks can fail to properly activate WPS pairing.
  • If the WPS process gets stuck or an eero Eero has trouble joining, reboot both units and try again. Check that LED colors match expected states.
  • Run wireless interference scans in the eero app and relocate any eero Eeros away from devices causing heavy interference like microwave ovens.

Following this guide along with the included troubleshooting tips should allow fast and easy connections using WPS to establish your eero Eero WiFi mesh network with great coverage across your home!


When installing an eero Eero mesh WiFi system, taking advantage of WiFi Protected Setup (WPS) can greatly simplify making device connections across your network. However, due to known weaknesses in the WPS standard, best practice is to disable this functionality once your initial setup is complete. Maintaining robust security of your home wireless network ensures privacy for your connected devices and data.

Following this guide on properly utilizing WPS for eero Eero installations allows you to strike the right balance of ease-of-use while retaining a focus on safety. Armed with knowledge of both the convenience and risks surrounding WPS, you can now confidently deploy an eero Eero mesh suitable for your coverage needs.

Just remember these key points:

  • Use WPS initially for fast first-time eero Eero connections
  • Disable WPS promptly afterwards
  • Periodically check it remains off for security

By leveraging WPS temporarily and then disabling the capability on your live network, you can installment smooth, hassle-free mesh WiFi throughout your home.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens if WPS pairing fails between two eero Eero devices?

If the WPS handshake fails and the nodes can’t communicate, reboot both eero Eero units and try again. Check for device interference or obstructions impacting signal strength. Relocate units closer together if issues persist over multiple attempts.

Do I need to use WPS each time I reboot my eero Eero system?

No, WPS is only required when initially installing and pairing nodes into the mesh network. Once connected, eero Eero devices will remember and automatically reconnect to configured nodes when rebooted.

Can I use an ethernet backhaul instead of wireless mesh connections?

Yes, you have the option of connecting eero Eero nodes via ethernet cables back to the gateway for highest reliability instead of wireless links between nodes. This provides more robust backhaul without relying on WPS.

Is there any way to improve mesh connectivity if my nodes have weak signals?

Adjusting placement of nodes for line of sight, adding more eero Eero devices to fill gaps, or upgrading to eero Eero Pro devices with tri-band radios and stronger wireless signaling can help improve mesh connections.

What should I do if I enabled WPS accidentally and am concerned my network was compromised?

First, immediately disable WPS again in your settings. Then, it’s recommended you change your WiFi password, update eero Eero firmware, and check connected devices to confirm no unauthorized access occurred while WPS was improperly enabled.