How to Unlock Augments in Fortnite in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Fortnite’s Reality Augments system allows players to choose from different ability-granting augments each match. These augments can give you an edge in combat, enhance your mobility, or even manipulate the storm. Unlocking more augments gives you more options to choose from each match.

In 2024, there are over 20 different augments to unlock. New augments are also frequently added in updates. Unlocking them all takes patience and persistence. This guide will walk you through the best methods to start unlocking more augments in Fortnite Battle Royale.

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Play Matches in Core Game Modes

The most straightforward way to unlock more augments is to simply play matches in Fortnite’s core game modes:

  • Battle Royale (Solo, Duos, Trios, Squads)
  • Zero Build (Solo, Duos, Trios, Squads)
  • Team Rumble

You will organically unlock new augments over time by playing these modes. There is no special trick – the more you play, the more augments you will incrementally unlock from the pool.

On average, you can expect to unlock a new augment every 5-10 matches. But it is random, so you may go on hot or cold streaks.

How the Unlock System Works

Understanding the basics of how the augment unlock system works can help you set expectations and optimize your approach:

  • Each match, you can activate up to 4 augments from choices presented randomly from your unlocked pool.
  • Surviving longer in a match generates more augment choices overall.
  • There are over 20 total augments in 2024. Each one must be unlocked individually.
  • Unlocks are random but weighted towards ones you have not unlocked yet.
  • Certain milestones may grant you multiple new unlocks at once.

So in summary – play matches in core modes and survive longer to unlock more augments over time.

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Optimize Each Match to Generate More Augments

While playing matches, you can optimize your play style to unlock augments faster:

Survive Longer Each Match

The longer you survive in a match, the more augment choices you will be presented with. Try to avoid early game fights and focus on survival to maximize opportunities.

Open Supply Drops

Opening supply drops grants augment charges in addition to random items. Go out of your way to track down supply drops each match.

Search Rare Chests

Rare blue chests have a chance to drop additional augment selection charges beyond what you generate over time. Make sure to search out and open rare chests.

Play in Squads

In team modes like squads, if your teammate activates an augment you haven’t unlocked, it gets added to your pool. Team modes lead to faster unlocks.

Activate All 4 Augments

You should try to activate all 4 augment slots each match to speed up augment accumulation. Survive longer to unlock the 4th slot.

Play LTMs When Available

Limited-time modes (LTMs) in Fortnite often dynamically alter core gameplay elements like loot pools and storm mechanics. When available, LTMs can be great sources for new augment unlocks.

Certain LTMs may specifically boost unlock rates or allow you to use augments more times per match. Be on the lookout for LTMs that synergize well with the augment system.

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creative AFK Unlock Method

An exploit many players utilize is to AFK in Creative mode lobbies to rapidly gain XP and unlock augments over time. Here is how the creative AFK farm method works in 2024:

  1. Load into a Creative lobby (does not work in public matchmaking islands)
  2. Remain AFK in the hub for up to 1 hour 20 minutes
  3. You will gain XP every 15 minutes for a total of 75 minutes each day

This allows you to essentially “AFK farm” augment (and battle pass XP unlocks). It is not the most exciting method, but is a consistent way to gain progress.

However, this exploit may be patched in future updates, so utilize it while you can.

Check Your Progress

As you play more matches and unlock new augments, you can track your progress in the augment menu:

  • Open augment menu (right D-pad)
  • Select “View All”
  • This shows all available augments
  • Unlocked augments are lit up, locked ones are dark

Use this screen to see how many more augments you need to unlock and target the ones you want most.

Target Specific Augments

Once you unlock several augments, you may want to target unlocking some specific powerful ones like:

– Storm Strider: Increased storm movement speed – Shotgunner: Improved shotgun effectiveness – Deep Pockets: Extra inventory slot – Run N’ Gun: Move faster while shooting – Venomous: Leave poison cloud when damaged

Survive longer, play more matches, and optimize with the other tips in this guide to unlock augments you want. But remember unlocks are still random, so patience and persistence pays off.

Changes Coming in Future Updates

Epic frequently tweaks the augment unlock system. Here are some changes under consideration for future updates in 2024 which may alter the meta:

  • Bad luck protection to guarantee unlocks after playing many matches without one
  • Dupe protection to avoid getting augments you already unlocked
  • Unlock tokens as reward for completing challenges
  • Increased augment slots to 5 later in matches
  • Limited-time overpowered unique augments

Make sure to keep up with Fortnite patch notes to adapt your unlock strategy if changes are implemented that significantly impact progression.


Unlocking augments in Fortnite takes some grind, but gives you more strategic options each match. Use this guide to optimize play time and start expanding your augment repertoire.

Focus on survival, open supply drops, play LTMs, utilize creative AFK – do everything you can to generate more augment choices per match. Over time, your persistence will pay off with a robust augment collection.

The Reality Augments system makes each Fortnite match feel fresh and dynamic. So get out there and start unlocking more augments to become an unstoppable one person army!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How many augments are there to unlock?

There are over 20 augments available to unlock as of 2024. The number changes as new ones are added.

What is the fastest way to unlock augments?

Utilizing the Creative AFK method to rapidly gain XP over time is the fastest way to accelerate unlocks.

Do you unlock augments faster in certain modes?

Generally, core modes like Squads yield augments faster than LTMs. Surviving longer also speeds up the augment unlock rate.

Are augment unlocks completely random?

Unlocks are random but weighted towards giving you augments you haven’t unlocked yet until you have them all.

Can you get duplicate augments before unlocking all of them?

Yes, it is still possible albeit rare to unlock an augment you already have access to.

Do augments carry over season to season?

Yes, any augments you unlock are permanently added to your account each season.

Is there a way to target unlock specific augments?

No, outside of playing more matches there is no way to grind towards specific augments. It is random based on playtime.