Unlock the “Under the Umbrella’s Shade” Domain in Genshin Impact

The “Under the Umbrella’s Shade” is a new domain that was introduced in Genshin Impact version 3.0 with the release of the Sumeru region. This mysterious domain is located underneath a large tree in Sumeru’s Arama Wasteland area.

Unlocking this domain requires activating five Dendro elemental monuments near the entrance in the correct order. The monuments each have a symbol that lights up to indicate the next one you need to activate. Successfully activating all five monuments will unlock the domain.

This domain offers some valuable Dendro-focused artifact sets that are useful for Dendro and reaction-focused characters:

  • Deepwood Memories (4-piece: Dendro RES decreased by 30%)
  • Gilded Dreams (4-piece: Elemental Mastery increased by 80 after triggering elemental reaction)

This guide will walk you through the complete process of unlocking the “Under the Umbrella’s Shade” domain in 2024 step-by-step.


Before trying to unlock this domain, make sure you meet these prerequisites:

  • Reached Sumeru in the Archon questline
  • Unlocked the Arama Wasteland area
  • Have at least one Dendro character in your party (for activating the monuments)
  • Adventure Rank 30+ recommended

If you meet those requirements, you’re ready to start the unlock process.

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Step 1: Locate the Domain Entrance

The first step is finding the giant tree covering the domain entrance. This tree is located in northern Arama Wasteland, on the west side of Aramaj Techlabs.

Domain entrance marked on Arama Wasteland map

Once you arrive at the tree, you’ll see stone doors carved into the roots at the base. This is the domain entrance. Now get ready to activate the nearby monuments.

Step 2: Activate the First Monument

When you enter the area, one of the five Dendro monuments should have an orange-yellow symbol glowing above it. This indicates it needs to be activated first.

The first monument that needs activation

Walk up to this monument. Then use a Dendro character’s skill or burst to hit it with Dendro attacks. After striking it a few times, it will light up with green Dendro energy, indicating activation.

Step 3: Activate the Other Four Monuments

After you activate the first monument, the glowing symbol will appear above a different totem, indicating which one needs activation next.

Keep following the glowing symbol as it moves between monuments. Strike each one with Dendro attacks until it lights up.

The order the monuments need activation is random per player. So keep watching for the glowing symbol to know which monument is next. Activate all remaining monuments until you hit the fifth.

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Step 4: Enter the Unlocked Domain

Once you activate that fifth monument, all five should stay lit with Dendro energy. A few seconds later, you’ll also see and hear the stone doors open with a rumbling sound.

The domain doors after unlocking them

The “Under the Umbrella Shade” domain is now unlocked! You can walk inside and challenge it.

The recommended Adventure Rank for this domain is AR 45+, as that’s when 5-star artifact drop rates reach their maximum. The enemies inside are around level 90 as well. So make sure your party is leveled up enough before taking it on.

Tips & Summary

Here are some quick tips for unlocking the domain:

  • Bring at least one well-built Dendro character
  • Activate monuments in order of glowing symbol prompts
  • All 5 monuments must be lit with Dendro energy
  • Stone doors will open automatically after the 5th totem

In summary:

  1. Navigate to the domain sealed underneath the giant tree
  2. Look for the first monument with an orange-yellow glowing symbol
  3. Use a Dendro character to activate it, lighting it up
  4. Follow the glowing symbol prompt to hit all remaining monuments
  5. Enter the domain once the stone doors open

And that covers fully unlocking the “Under the Umbrella’s Shade” domain! Equip that Dendro team and grab some Dendro-focused artifacts to strengthen your characters. Enjoy this mysterious domain and all the new Dendro reactions introduced in Genshin’s Sumeru expansion.

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About the Author

This guide was authored by professional game writer, Matt Lesardo. Matt specializes in crafting expert gaming guides for new updates across popular live service titles. He has over 5 years experience writing about Genshin Impact, including advanced character building theorycrafting and exploration walkthroughs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to clear any quest or puzzles to access this area?

No, you can navigate to this tree and domain entrance as soon as you unlock Arama Wasteland. There are no puzzles blocking it.

What if the monuments don’t light up when I hit them?

Make sure you are using Dendro attacks from skills, bursts etc. Other elements won’t activate them. Check the prompts too – striking the wrong monument won’t light it.

Why can’t I enter the domain after activating the monuments?

There is a short delay after the final monument is activated before the doors will open. Give it 10-15 seconds after the fifth totem lights up before the doors will unlock.

If I’m in co-op, will each player see different monument orders?

No, the activation order should be consistent across all players in that session. Work together to make sure you get them in the right sequence.

What’s the respawn time for unlocking the domain again?

The domain and monuments will reset daily at server reset time (4am server time). You can repeat the unlock process each day if desired.