Unlock the Coveted Slimline Pro Optic in Call of Duty: MW 2

The Slimline Pro optic is one of the most coveted attachments in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. This clean, versatile optic offers increased peripheral vision compared to other rifle scopes, making it a top choice for many players. However, unlocking the Slimline Pro requires dedication – you must fully level up multiple weapons in MW2’s new Gunsmith 2.0 weapon progression system.

This guide will walk you through the necessary steps to unlock the Slimline Pro in MW2, from leveling up the initial Lachmann platform weapons to equipping the optic itself. We’ll provide tips to accelerate the weapon XP grind along the way. Strap in – the path to enhanced optics starts now!

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Level Up the Lachmann-762 to Unlock the MP5 SMG

The first step toward the Slimline Pro lies with the Lachmann-762 assault rifle. This AR is the base weapon of the Lachmann & Meer platform, and you must level it to unlock additional Lachmann weapons. Here’s how:

Step 1 – Select the Lachmann-762

From the Weapons tab or Gunsmith menu, select the Lachmann-762 assault rifle. This bullpup rifle excels at mid-long range combat with its consistent damage and low recoil.

Step 2 – Play Multiplayer to Earn Weapon XP

Multiplayer is the fastest way to gain Lachmann-762 weapon XP. Play Core and Hardcore playlist matches, focusing on getting kills with the rifle. Leverage double weapon XP events when possible for quicker leveling.

Step 3 – Equip Weapon XP Boosts

Equip boosts like the Weapon XP Token in the Weapons tab to double your XP earnings per match. Activate a token before each match to maximize its effect. Other boosts include Clan XP and the Battle Pass XP Token.

Step 4 – Level Up Until You Unlock the MP5 SMG

You must get the Lachmann-762 to level 13 to unlock the MP5 SMG submachine gun. This may take several hours depending on your performance. Utilize the tips above to accelerate the process.

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Grind the MP5 SMG to Unlock the Slimline Pro

With the MP5 now accessible after grinding the Lachmann-762, you next must level up this SMG to reach the Slimline Pro. The MP5 unlocks this optic attachment at weapon level 11.

Step 1 – Configure Your MP5 for Fast Handling

Equip attachments like the VX Pineapple or Schlager PEQ Box to boost the MP5’s ADS speed, sprint-to-fire speed, and movement. Maintain recoil control as well. This complements an aggressive run-and-gun playstyle.

Step 2 – Play Small Maps in Hardcore Modes

Maps like Shipment, Shoot House, and Hideout in Hardcore TDM or Domination modes allow almost constant MP5 engagements to maximize weapon XP per match. Hardcore’s reduced health accelerates kills.

Step 3 – Leverage Collateral and Multi-Kills

Line up collaterals and multi-kills by catching groups of enemies unaware. The MP5’s high ROF suits wiping duos or trios in close quarters for big XP pops per trigger pull.

Step 4 – Persist Until You Reach Weapon Level 11

The grind to level 11 can be arduous, but utilizing the above tips will speed your progress. Play consistently, train your SMG skills, and the Slimline Pro will soon be yours! Expect at least a couple hours of concerted MP5 play.

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Equip the Slimline Pro Optic on Your Weapons

You’ve suffered through the Lachmann and MP5 grind to finally earn your reward – the Slimline Pro is now available for loadout customization! Here are some ways to equip it:

Gunsmith Custom Loadouts

From the Weapons tab, use the Gunsmith menu for any weapon to pick the Slimline Pro optic in the Optics category. Tweak the optic’s magnification orPair it with the Cronen Pro Grip for ultimate ADS speed.

Private Match Weapons Customization

Alternatively, set up a solo Custom Private Match, then access the Weapons tab and Gunsmith menu there to equip the Slimline Pro on any weapon available to you. Tweak loadouts hassle-free.

Loadout Quick Equip Shortcut

From your Multiplayer or Warzone 2.0 loadout, hover over your preferred optic attachment slot and hold the suggested Optic Quick Equip button to rapidly cycle and equip the Slimline Pro. This shortcut saves Gunsmith menu clicks.


Earning the Slimline Pro requires resilience, but this guide outlines the path for success. From leveling Lachmann platform weapons to swiftly grinding MP5 weapon XP, use these tips to unlock this top-tier MW2 rifle scope ASAP. The Slimline Pro’s clean optic picture and enhanced visibility differentiate it from other scopes – now make it yours!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do you unlock slimline pro optic in MW2?

To unlock the Slimline Pro optic in MW2, you need to level up the Lachmann Sub MP5 SMG to weapon level 11. The MP5 is unlocked by getting the Lachmann-762 AR to level 13 first.

How do you get slimline Pro reticle?

The Slimline Pro reticle options are unlocked by getting kills with the Slimline Pro optic equipped. Each reticle requires a certain number of kills, with the final ones needing up to 200 kills.

How to unlock all MW2 characters?

MW2 characters are unlocked by purchasing the relevant Battle Pass or bundle for that operator in the in-game store. Level up the Battle Pass to get operators like Nova, Zeus, and others.

How do you unlock locked guns in MW2?

Guns are unlocked in MW2 by leveling up their weapon platform. For example, level the M4 weapon platform to unlock the M16, ISO Hemlock, and more. Play with weapons to earn XP and level them up.

What gun unlocks Slimline Pro?

The Lachmann Sub MP5 SMG specifically unlocks the Slimline Pro optic at weapon level 11. You need to level up this gun by getting kills and playing matches with it equipped.

How do you unlock pro perks in MW2?

Pro perks require you to fully upgrade a perk by equipping it and fulfilling certain requirements during matches, like getting kills while injured for Survival Training Pro.

What gun unlocks red dot in mw2?

The Pre-Aimed Precision sight unlocks the red dot reticle for use in optics. Level this weapon up to access the red dot.

What is optic reticle?

An optic reticle is the aiming point or crosshairs in the scope or sight’s viewing window that helps visually align shots on target. Reticles come in various styles.

What is a multi reticle?

A multi reticle is an optic option that comes with multiple selectable reticle patterns that provide different styles of aiming points to suit player preference.

How tall is Konig?

There is no canonical height listed for the Konig character in Call of Duty lore. As an elite Specgru operator, he is likely above average height but no number is provided.

Is Konig a Colonel?

No, Konig is not a Colonel. He holds the rank of Captain in Modern Warfare II under Task Force 141, serving under Commander Shepherd and alongside Ghost.

What team is Ghost on MW2?

Ghost is an elite spec ops soldier who serves in Task Force 141 under the command of Colonel Shepherd, alongside main characters like Captain Price, Soap Mactavish, Captain John Konig and others.

What is the best SMG in MW2?

The FSS Hurricane is widely considered the best SMG in Modern Warfare II multiplayer owing to its high damage, range and controllable recoil. The Lachmann Sub and Vel 46 are also top-tier picks.

What is DMZ MW2?

DMZ is Modern Warfare II’s new open-world extraction mode where teams battle AI combatants, mission objectives, and other players in sprawling zones filled with loot and enemies. Gear up to survive and extract.

How do you unlock AK 74 in MW2?

The AK-74 assault rifle is unlocked in MW2 by leveling up the AK weapon platform to level 16. This requires getting XP with the Kastov 762 AR first.