As a Guardian in Destiny 2, mods are essential for customizing your armor and builds to fit your preferred playstyle. With each passing season and expansion, new mods are introduced that can drastically impact gameplay. However, many mods are locked behind certain requirements that new and returning players may find confusing to keep track of.
This complete guide will walk you through precisely how to unlock all mods available in Destiny 2 as of 2024. Whether you are a veteran player looking to round out your collection or a New Light just starting the game, this guide has all the information you need to unlock every mod possible.
Table of Contents:
- How Armor Mods Work
- Unlocking Armor Mods as a New Player
- Unlocking Past Seasonal Armor Mods
- Unlocking Raid, Iron Banner, and Trials of Osiris Mods
- Unlocking Adept Weapon Mods
- Unlocking Artifice Armor Mods
- Exotic Armor Mods
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How Armor Mods Work in Destiny 2
Before going over how to acquire all mods, it helps to understand precisely how armor mods function in Destiny 2.
Armor mods are items that can be socketed into armor pieces to gain additional perks and functionality. Mods add benefits like faster ability regeneration, seasonal champion stunning, increased reserves for certain weapons, and much more.
Mods are socketed into energy slots on armor pieces in your helmet, gauntlets, chest, legs, and class item slots. The energy type (Arc, Solar, Void) must match the mod you want to apply.
Higher stat armor naturally has more energy slots to socket more mods simultaneously for greater builds. Legendary armor has a chance to roll with higher energy than rare blue gear, making it more mod-flexible.
With the basics covered, let’s break down how to get all mods available to your Guardian.
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Unlocking Armor Mods as a New Light Player
If you are just getting started in Destiny 2 or returning after significant time away, much of your mod collection will be empty outside of basics like stat boosts. Here is what New Light players need to unlock a healthy starter collection of mods.
Complete the Tutorial Quests
When first creating your Guardian, you will go through an onboarding questline on the Cosmodrome that rewards your first pieces of gear, including armor. Make sure to complete all onboarding missions, as the armor rewarded will have a small selection of starter mods socketed by default.
The most notable mods from this intro quest include Fastball (increased grenade throw distance), Bomber (faster grenade regeneration), and Outreach (increased melee lunge range), among others.
Reach Guardian Rank 30+
As you begin playing activities like strikes, Crucible, Gambit, and more, you will earn Guardian Ranks on a seasonal basis. Advancing to each new rank will grant you an engram from Banshee-44 containing various armor mods.
By Guardian rank 30, year one players typically have most basic mods unlocked from world drops. Make hitting at least rank 30 in your first season a priority for essentials like armor stats, finder/scavenger perks, and other foundational mods.
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Complete Banshee-44 and Ada-1 Bounties
Banshee-44, the Gunsmith vendor in the Tower, offers daily bounties that reward mod components upon completion. You can exchange mod components with Banshee to acquire various armor mods directly.
Similarly, Ada-1 offers armor and weapon mods in the Annex zone of the Tower. Completing her daily bounties gives you the materials needed to purchase key mods each day on rotation.
Checking both vendors often and completing bounties is key to filling out your mod collection as a new player.
Ramp Up Difficulty with Vanguard Ops and Seasonal Content
As you raise your Power level and Guardian rank, you will reach the point of running Vanguard Operations like nightfall strikes and seasonal artifact quests. Completing these will reward you with enhancement cores, enhancement prisms, and ascendant shards for masterworking gear—but also mods.
Higher difficulty ops have a chance of dropping Charged with Light and Warmind Cell mods, which are vital for endgame builds. So be sure to ramp up the challenge to grab important mods as they drop.
That covers the essential starting points for new players to quickly unlock mods. Next up, we will detail reacquiring previously seasonal mods.
Unlocking Past Seasonal Armor Mods
Every season, unique artifact mods are introduced, then retired and unobtainable in future seasons. As of Lightfall and Year 6, Bungie has thankfully added most past seasonal mods but locked behind their respective reputation vendors.
Here is a breakdown of which vendors offer certain seasonal mods and how to unlock them:
Charged with Light Mods: Ada-1
Charged with Light mods from seasons like Dawn, Worthy, and Arrivals must be purchased from Ada-1 using components earned from her bounties. Focus on completing Ada’s challenges daily to purchase CWL essentials like Protective Light, Powerful Friends, Stacks on Stacks, and more.
Warmind Cell Mods: Ada-1
Similar to Charged with Light, all seraph weapon and Warmind Cell mods must be purchased from Ada-1 using components earned from her daily bounties. Season of Worthy cell mods like Wrath of Rasputin are crucial pickups for endgame solar builds.
Nightmare Mods (Hunt): Crow
The special artifact mods tied to Season of the Hunt activities are available exclusively from Crow after earning enough reputation levels with him. Nightmare-themed mods that stun overload champions or boost damage vs combatants affected by suppression are important pickups here.
Elemental Well Mods (Chosen): Helm War Table
Earning enough reputation with the War Table vendor aboard the H.E.L.M. will allow you to purchase powerful Elemental Well mods from prior Season of the Chosen content. Must-have well mods like Elemental Ordinance, Font of Might, and Well of Life are available.
Splicer Servitor Mods (Splicer): Servitor in H.E.L.M.
The Eliksni Servitor vendor located in the H.E.L.M. will have Season of the Splicer focused mods for sale after gaining reputation levels with it. These include fusion rifle-boosting mods and others that took advantage of the Splicer Gauntlet buffs.
Haunted Lost Sector Mods (Plunder): Fynch
Following Season of Plunder and the Haunted Lost Sectors, several niche mods tied to debuffing nightmares were introduced. These can be purchased via reputation levels with Fynch, the vendor on the Derelict Leviathan.
This breakdown covers how to unlock all archival seasonal mods from past years. But for current season mods, you simply need to rank up your Season Pass and vendor challenges.
Now let’s detail endgame PvE and PvP sources for exclusive mods.
Unlocking Raid, Iron Banner, and Trials of Osiris Weapon and Armor Mods
Finishing challenging PvE and PvP content unlocks several powerful mods not obtainable elsewhere. Here is how to unlock raid, Iron Banner, Trials of Osiris, and Nightfall mods:
Raid Mods
Completing any raid (Garden of Salvation, Deep Stone Crypt, Vow of the Disciple, etc.) has a chance of dropping special mods that only function in raid content. Effects range from bonus damage against certain enemies to improved ability regen during encounters.
Raids rotate weekly, so be sure to run all available ones each week. The exotic chest at the end has the highest mod drop rate.
Iron Banner Mods
Lord Saladin offers exclusive mods for sale during Iron Banner events, which occur monthly. Playing Iron Banner matches levels up your reputation with him, eventually unlocking all mods for purchase.
Effects include reduced Flinch while aiming, bonus Super energy from capping zones, and enhanced ability regeneration after shutting down another Super.
Trials of Osiris Mods
The Lighthouse vendors, Saint-14 and Master Rahool, offer Trials of Osiris-themed mods for sale during Trials weekends. Leveling up your Trials reputation and going Flawless gives access to mods that boost damage after revives, increase overshield strength, and more.
Adept Nightfall Mods
Exclusive to Grandmaster Nightfalls, uncommon adept weapon mods can rarely drop from strike completions on platinum-tier runs. These enhanced mods like Adept Big Ones Spec grant stronger versions of common mods and are highly coveted.
So be sure to attempt Grandmaster Nightfalls during seasons you meet the Power level.
Now that we have covered armor mods, let’s discuss the final niche mod category—Adept weapon mods.
Unlocking Adept Weapon Mods
Adept weapons are enhanced Exotic-tier guns earned exclusively from Flawless Trials of Osiris or select Grandmaster Nightfall runs.
What makes Adept weapons truly special are the ability to slot Adept mods, which offer enhanced functionality you can’t get otherwise. Here is an overview:
How to Get Adept Weapons
The only way to get Adept weapon drops is by going Flawless in Trials or platinum-completing a Grandmaster Nightfall. The drop rates for these are quite low, expect single-digit percentages.
Once an Adept weapon drops, it is permanently unlocked for focused Umbral Engram decrypting at Master Rahool. So even if a poor roll drops initially, you can keep chasing a 5/5 roll through focusing without needing to re-earn additional drops.
Unlocking Adept Mods
To unlock most Adept mods (Icarus Grip, Adept Big Ones Spec, etc.), simply level up your reputation with Master Rahool. Slotting Trials engrams from Saint-14 and decoding rewards reputation too.
Eventually reaching tier 16 unlocks all current weapon Adept mods from Master Rahool to apply to any earned Adept guns. This may take several resets each season.
And that covers how to unlock all Destiny 2 weapon mods! Last up, we will detail Artifice armor and Exotics.
Unlocking Artifice Armor Mods
With the launch of the King’s Fall raid in Destiny 2 Year 5, the concept of Master raid difficulty and Artifice armor was introduced. Here is an overview of these special armor pieces and mods:
How Artifice Armor Works
Completing Master difficulty raids and dungeons has a small chance of dropping bonus Artifice armor pieces from encounters and secret chests. Artifice gear comes masterworked with higher overall stats capable of slotting enhanced, fifth armor energy mods.
There are three tiers of Artifice mods that can ONLY be slotted into the fifth energy column:
- Artifice Energy I (costs 1 energy)
- Artifice Energy II (costs 3 energy)
- Artifice Energy III (costs 5 energy)
These unique mods offer advantageous effects like better Champion stunning, automatic ammunition loading, orb generation on matches completed, and more.
Artifice armor remains exclusive to the most challenging PvE content. So run Master raids and dungeons weekly if you hope to build this exceptional class of gear.
Exotic Armor Mods
The final niche mod category are those linked to Exotic armor pieces. While most share universal mods, select Exotics have unique mods only usable with that armor, such as:
- Secant Filaments (Devouring Rift mod)
- Nyctalopia Grips (Grappling Hook mod)
- Starfire Protocol (Fusion Destabilizers)
And others tailor certain weapon archetypes like:
- Armamentarium (Grenade Launcher scavenger)
- Severance Enclosure (Unstoppable Shotgun)
To unlock Exotic armor mods, you simply need to be lucky enough for that armor to randomly drop over time. Almost all Exotics pull from the general mod pools with just a few exceptions having distinct effects.
And that concludes our complete guide on unlocking ALL Destiny 2 armor mods available in 2024! Between seasonal artifacts, various vendors, endgame activities, and Exotic luck, collecting every mod takes time but enables the most powerful Guardian builds. Bookmark this guide as you work to round out your mod collection each season!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Elemental Well mods come from the War Table vendor in the H.E.L.M. Earn reputation with the War Table by completing seasonal challenges to unlock Well mods for purchase.
Yes, mods can drop randomly from strike completions, Crucible matches, open world engrams, vendor rank up packages, and high difficulty nightfalls/raids. But vendors are the most direct way.
Weapon mods in 2023 come from Banshee-44, Master Rahool, ranking up reputation with playlist vendors, and rarely, from endgame PvE/PvP activities.
Mods tied to past seasons or challenging activities are intentionally locked behind respective vendors to encourage engaging with that content. This gives players incentives to try new game modes.
Adept mods come from Master Rahool once you reach reputation rank 16. Slotting Trials engrams levels up Rahool quickly.