How to Unlock MacBook Pro or Air Without Knowing the Password

Are you locked out of your MacBook Pro or MacBook Air because you forgot the password? Don’t panic! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various methods to regain access to your beloved Mac, even if you can’t remember the login credentials. We’ll cover everything from built-in recovery options to third-party software solutions, ensuring that you can get back to work or play as quickly as possible. Let’s dive in and discover how to unlock your MacBook without knowing the password in 2024.

Key Takeaways

  • Multiple methods exist to unlock a MacBook, including using an Apple ID, Recovery Mode, Single User Mode (for older MacOS versions), and third-party software.
  • Contacting Apple Support is an option if you’re not comfortable attempting DIY unlocking methods or if other methods fail.
  • To prevent getting locked out, use a password manager, enable iCloud Keychain, set up a firmware password, and use biometric authentication like Touch ID or Face ID.
  • Prioritize the security and privacy of your data by using strong, unique passwords and being cautious when using third-party tools or modifying system files.

Also Read: How to Unlock MacBook M2 Pro/Air Without a Password

Why You Might Need to Unlock Your MacBook Without a Password

There are several reasons why you might find yourself in a situation where you need to unlock your MacBook without knowing the password:

  1. Forgotten Password: It’s not uncommon to forget a password, especially if you haven’t used your MacBook for an extended period or if you recently changed the password.
  2. Inherited or Second-Hand MacBook: If you’ve acquired a MacBook from a friend, family member, or through a second-hand purchase, you may not have the original owner’s login credentials.
  3. System Administrator Lock: In corporate or educational settings, system administrators may lock a MacBook to prevent unauthorized access or changes.
  4. Malfunctioning Keyboard: If your MacBook’s keyboard is damaged or malfunctioning, you may be unable to enter your password correctly.

Method 1: Reset Password with Apple ID

If you still have access to the Apple ID originally associated with the MacBook, you can easily use Apple’s built-in password reset:

  1. On the login screen, click the question mark icon in the bottom-right corner
  2. Select “Reset it using your Apple ID”.
  3. Enter the email for the Apple ID account.
  4. Apple will prompt you to answer your security questions to confirm your identity.
  5. Finally, you can create and confirm a new password to login seamlessly.

This is by far the simplest approach to reset your login password while maintaining data integrity. However, it requires that you still have credentials to access the owner account.

If you don’t have the original Apple ID, don’t worry! We have several alternate methods in the sections below.

Also Read: Unlock MacBook M1 Pro/Air Without Password or Apple ID

Method 2: Erase and Reinstall MacOS

If you don’t need any of the data or settings on the MacBook, completely erasing and reinstalling MacOS will override the existing password and let you create a new one from scratch.

Here is the basic process:

  1. Start up your Mac into Recovery Mode by holding Command + R while powering on.
  2. Use Disk Utility to fully erase the drive. This will delete all existing data/accounts.
  3. Exit Disk Utility, then reinstall the latest MacOS version compatible with your machine.
  4. Create a new administrator account with your preferred password.

While simple, this method has the major downside of wiping all files and settings on your system. Only use this nuclear option if the data isn’t needed!

Also Read: Boosting Roblox FPS on Your MacBook with an FPS Unlocker

Method 3: Use the Single User Mode (for Older MacOS Versions)

For MacOS versions older than MacOS Catalina (2019), you can use the Single User Mode to reset your password. Be cautious when using this method, as it requires modifying system files. Here’s how to proceed:

  1. Turn off your MacBook completely.
  2. Press and hold the Command (⌘) and S keys simultaneously, then press the power button.
  3. Keep holding the Command and S keys until you see white text on a black background.
  4. You are now in Single User Mode. Type the following commands, pressing Enter after each line:
    • /sbin/mount -uw /
    • launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
    • passwd username (replace “username” with your actual username)
  5. Enter a new password when prompted, and confirm it.
  6. Type reboot and press Enter to restart your MacBook.
  7. You can now log in with the new password.

Method 4: Unlock with Target Disk Mode

Target Disk Mode essentially turns your MacBook into an external storage drive for another Mac. Once connected, you can access and modify data like passwords for any account.

Here are the steps to use Target Disk Mode to unlock your machine:

  1. Start up the locked Mac and immediately hold T while booting.
  2. Use a USB-C or Thunderbolt cable to connect the MacBook to another Mac.
  3. The locked Mac will now appear as an external drive on the host Mac.
  4. Open Terminal on the host and use passwd with the mounted MacBook drive path to reset the password for any account.
  5. Safely eject the host connection and your MacBook will now boot unlocked!

Target Disk Mode is great because it lets you leverage the tools of another working Mac. But you do need access to a second compatible computer.

Method 5: Unlock with Third Party Tools

For Intel-based Macs, several third party tools like MHDD and MacPassword can unlock the system by removing firmware restrictions:

  1. Download and launch the removal tool on the locked MacBook
  2. Allow the software to scan for firmware passwords or blocks.
  3. The tool will automatically clear any restrictions allowing you to login normally or set a new password.

These utilities make it very easy to reset Intel-based systems regardless of your account password. Unfortunately most do not yet work for Apple Silicon.

Method 6: Boot to Linux and Edit Password File

As an advanced technique, you can boot your locked Mac into a Linux environment, mount your Macintosh HD drive, then edit the account password file directly.

Here’s a high-level overview:

  1. Create Linux boot media like a live Ubuntu USB drive.
  2. Configure your Mac to boot from external devices in Settings.
  3. Boot to Linux then mount your Mac hard drive (may require special drivers).
  4. Navigate to /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users
  5. Edit account plist files to change password hashes.
  6. Reboot back into MacOS and login with your edited password.

While powerful, this method is primarily targeted at advanced Linux and Mac power users who are comfortable navigating macOS system files.

Method 7: Use Third-Party Software

If the built-in methods don’t work, or if you prefer a more user-friendly approach, you can use third-party software to unlock your MacBook. These tools are designed to bypass the login screen and reset your password. Some popular options include:

1. PassFab 4WinKey

PassFab 4WinKey is a versatile password recovery tool that works with various operating systems, including MacOS. It offers a simple, step-by-step process to reset your MacBook’s login password. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Download and install PassFab 4WinKey on another computer.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive using the software.
  3. Connect the USB drive to your locked MacBook and turn it on.
  4. Press and hold the Option key until you see the startup disk selection screen.
  5. Select the PassFab 4WinKey bootable drive and press Enter.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password.
  7. Restart your MacBook and log in with the new password.

2. iMobie AnyUnlock

iMobie AnyUnlock is another reliable password recovery tool for MacOS. It offers a clean, intuitive interface and supports a wide range of MacBook models. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Download and install iMobie AnyUnlock on another computer.
  2. Create a bootable USB drive using the software.
  3. Connect the USB drive to your locked MacBook and turn it on.
  4. Press and hold the Option key until you see the startup disk selection screen.
  5. Select the iMobie AnyUnlock bootable drive and press Enter.
  6. Choose your user account and enter a new password.
  7. Click on “Reset Password” and wait for the process to complete.
  8. Restart your MacBook and log in with the new password.

Method 8: Contact Apple Support

If none of the above methods work, or if you’re not comfortable attempting them on your own, you can always reach out to Apple Support for assistance. They have a dedicated team of experts who can help you unlock your MacBook. Here’s how to get in touch with them:

  1. Visit the official Apple Support website.
  2. Click on “Mac” and then select “MacBook.”
  3. Choose “Password & Security” from the list of topics.
  4. Scroll down and click on “Contact Support.”
  5. Select your preferred contact method (phone, chat, or email) and provide the necessary details.
  6. An Apple Support representative will guide you through the process of unlocking your MacBook.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite following the steps closely, you may encounter issues trying to reset your MacBook password. Here are some common problems and potential solutions:

  • Mac Booting Back to Login Screen: After changing an account password, your Mac may still boot directly back to the locked login screen instead of the desktop. In this case, configure your Mac to do a Safe Boot on next restart. This will apply changes before loading the login window.
  • Lost Administrative Access: If your main admin account password was lost and cannot be reset with Method #1 above, create a new admin account with System Preferences in Recovery Mode or Single User Mode. Then use that account to reset the original.
  • Firmware Password Restrictions: Most methods above will not work if a firmware password is also set. You’ll need to either recall this additional password or use a low level tool like MHDD to clear firmware restrictions entirely.
  • Incompatible File System Format: Modern Macs may use APFS formatting which prevents the Linux USB method from mounting the internal drive. Try formatting the drive to Mac OS Extended (HFS+) before following those Linux steps.

Tips to Prevent Getting Locked Out of Your MacBook

While knowing how to unlock your MacBook without a password is essential, it’s even better to prevent getting locked out in the first place. Here are some tips to help you avoid this situation:

1. Use a Password Manager

A password manager can help you generate, store, and manage strong, unique passwords for all your accounts, including your MacBook login. This way, you don’t have to worry about forgetting your password, as the password manager will remember it for you. Some popular options include LastPass, 1Password, and Dashlane.

2. Enable iCloud Keychain

iCloud Keychain is a built-in password management system for Apple devices. It securely stores your passwords, credit card information, and other sensitive data, and syncs them across your devices. To enable iCloud Keychain:

  1. Click on the Apple menu and select “System Preferences.”
  2. Click on “Apple ID” and then select “iCloud.”
  3. Scroll down and check the box next to “Keychain.”
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up iCloud Keychain.

3. Set Up a Firmware Password

A firmware password adds an extra layer of security to your MacBook by preventing unauthorized access to your computer’s startup disk and Recovery Mode. To set up a firmware password:

  1. Restart your MacBook and hold down the Command (⌘) and R keys until you see the Apple logo or a spinning globe.
  2. Click on “Utilities” in the menu bar, then select “Firmware Password Utility.”
  3. Click on “Turn On Firmware Password.”
  4. Enter a new firmware password and confirm it.
  5. Click on “Set Password” and restart your MacBook.

4. Use Touch ID or Face ID

If your MacBook has a Touch ID sensor or Face ID camera, you can use these biometric authentication methods to unlock your device quickly and securely. To set up Touch ID or Face ID:

  1. Click on the Apple menu and select “System Preferences.”
  2. Click on “Touch ID” or “Face ID & Password.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to enroll your fingerprint or face.
  4. Choose the actions you want to use Touch ID or Face ID for, such as unlocking your MacBook or making purchases.


Forgetting your MacBook’s login password can be a frustrating experience, but it doesn’t mean you’re locked out forever. By using one of the methods described in this article, you can regain access to your files and applications without losing any data. Whether you choose to use your Apple ID, the Recovery Mode, Single User Mode, third-party software, or seek help from Apple Support, there’s a solution for every situation.

To prevent getting locked out of your MacBook in the future, consider using a password manager, enabling iCloud Keychain, setting up a firmware password, and using biometric authentication methods like Touch ID or Face ID.

Remember, while it’s important to know how to unlock your MacBook without a password, it’s equally crucial to prioritize the security and privacy of your data. Always use strong, unique passwords, keep your software up to date, and be cautious when downloading third-party tools or modifying system files.

With the knowledge gained from this comprehensive guide, you can confidently tackle any MacBook lockout situation and get back to work or play in no time. Stay safe, secure, and productive with your trusty MacBook Pro or MacBook Air.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is it possible to unlock MacBook Pro without password?

Yes, there are several methods to reset or bypass the password on a MacBook Pro even if you can’t remember the current login password. These include using your Apple ID, booting into Recovery Mode, and using third party password reset software.

How can I unlock my MacBook Air if I forgot my password?

If you forgot your MacBook Air’s password, you can unlock it by resetting the password using your Apple ID account, using the Recovery Key if enabled, booting into Single User mode to reset the password, or performing a complete system erase and reinstall.

How do I log into my MacBook Air without the password?

To log into a MacBook Air without the password, you can reset the password from Recovery Mode or Single User Mode. Additionally, booting to an external drive and editing the password database can allow you to log in with a new password.

Can a locked MacBook Air be unlocked?

Yes, a locked MacBook Air can be unlocked even without the current password by utilizing account recovery options at the login screen or booting into Recovery Mode to reset password via command line tools.

How do you unlock a MacBook user?

To unlock a MacBook user account without knowing the password, reset the password with your Apple ID, boot into Single User Mode and utilize the ‘passwd’ command to change the account password, or reinstall the MacBook’s operating system to set a new administrator password.

How do I remove a password from my Mac?

You can remove a password from a Mac by resetting all account passwords from Single User Mode or configuring a new administrator account with no password from macOS Recovery. Erasing all data and clean installing the OS can also effectively remove any existing passwords.